End the Year with More Benefits Using Gold Discounts of 99% & 50% 🎇 Save Gold with Treasury Now for Your Future 🥳
Sunday, 01 December 2024

As the year draws to a close, have you reflected and planned various aspects of your life, including finances? The end of the year is often a time to reorganize and set new goals for the year ahead.

You can also take advantage of this moment to plan your financial future starting today. One way to do so is by maximizing your benefits through Treasury’s year-end promos:

🎉 Kesamber Promo: December's Special Surprise 🎉

🎊 Up to 99% Gold Purchase Discount, max Rp 5,000 for new users
🎊 Up to 50% Gold Purchase Discount, max Rp 690,000 for all users

Don’t miss out, Sobat! These year-end gold discounts are only valid during the period December 1-31, 2024. Simply invest in gold through the Treasury app to enjoy the convenience and benefits it offers! Before joining the promo, check out the terms and conditions below.

Terms and Conditions of The Kesamber Promo

  1. Definition of "Gold": Refers to digital gold purchased through the Treasury app.
  2. Treasury Users: Includes all registered users on the Treasury app and website.
  3. Kesamber Promo: This Gold Purchase Promo consists of two sub-promos:
    1. New User Promo: Defined in clause 6.
    2. Limited Promo for All Treasury Users: Defined in clause 7.
  4. Promo Period: The Kesamber Promo is valid from December 1 to December 31, 2024.
  5. Eligible Transactions: This promotion applies exclusively to Treasury Users who purchase gold using the "Buy Gold" feature on the Treasury app, using a special button that displays the specific promo amounts detailed in clause 8.
  6. New User Promo: This promo is available to all new Treasury Users who register during the promo period ("New Users") and applies only to their first transaction.
  7. Limited Promo for All Treasury Users: This promo is available to all Treasury Users during the promo period or while the quota lasts. It can be used up to two times per user during the promo period.
  8. Discount Rates for Kesamber Promo: Here are some great discounts available for you:

Table 1. New User Promo (valid during the Promo Period)

Purchase Amount (IDR)

Discount (%)

Discount (IDR)

Price After Discount (IDR)

















Table 2. Limited Promo for All Treasury Users (valid during the Promo Period while quota lasts)

Purchase Amount (IDR)

Discount (%)

Discount (IDR)

Price After Discount (IDR

























  1. Treasury Users will automatically receive the discounted prices listed above for the first gold purchase or purchases of specified amounts when using the designated promo button at checkout.
  2. The gold prices in this promo exclude taxes and other transaction fees (if applicable).
  3. All payment methods in Treasury app can be used to purchase gold. Please note that purchases of IDR 1 can only be completed using the following payment methods: Go-Pay, Ovo, ShopeePay, and Celengan Balance.
  4. By participating in the Kesamber Promo, Treasury Users acknowledge and agree to refrain from using the Treasury app and website for money laundering, terrorism financing, weapons of mass destruction proliferation, or other unlawful activities.
  5. By participating in the Kesamber Promo, Treasury Users acknowledge, read, understand, and agree to all applicable terms.
  6. Treasury Users on Treasury's blocklist are not eligible to participate in this promo.
  7. Treasury reserves the right to cancel the discount under this promo (including both sub-promos) if suspicious or potentially fraudulent transactions are detected, or if activities contravene Indonesian regulations, Treasury's User Agreement, Terms and Conditions, or if the user is on Treasury's blacklist.
  8. In addition to these promo terms, Treasury Users must comply with all terms and conditions in the Treasury app and website unless Treasury expressly states that certain terms do not apply to this promo.
  9. Terms and conditions may change at any time with or without prior notice.
  10. Treasury Users are encouraged to read all terms and conditions before transactions on the Treasury app. For further information, contact Treasury's Customer Service at [email protected].
  11. Treasury reserves the right to take necessary actions, including legal follow-up in compliance with Indonesian law, in cases of fraudulent or criminal acts by Treasury Users.
  12. These terms and conditions constitute a binding agreement between Treasury Users and Treasury.
  13. Treasury is not responsible for data breaches or security issues caused by jailbroken or rooted devices.
  14. Treasury Users are not allowed to transfer or authorize another person to operate their Treasury account. Treasury will not be responsible for any fraud, crimes, or losses resulting from the transfer or authorization to manage the account, and the Treasury User will fully bear all losses.
  15. Treasury shall not be held responsible for any errors arising as a result of negligence by Treasury Users.
  16. Treasury prohibits Treasury Users from using the app or website for activities or transactions outside of the activities, features, or transactions provided and promoted by Treasury.
  17. Beware of scams impersonating Treasury. All official activities will be announced only through Treasury's official website (, Treasury app, and official social media channels. Treasury is not responsible for any losses from scams experienced by Treasury Users.
  18. Treasury is not responsible for activities or transactions conducted by Treasury Users that are outside the features or transactions offered by Treasury. Treasury Users agree to release Treasury, including all management, employees, and consultants, from liability, including legal and financial responsibilities, for misuse of activities, features, or transactions.
  19. Treasury is a regulated platform for commodity trading, including, but not limited to, digital-physical gold trading. It has been licensed by the Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (BAPPEBTI) since May 13, 2021, under Decision No. 001/BAPPEBTI/P-ED/12/2021.
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